Complete retrofit of the cooling system of 3 low-pressure die casting machines

signal 2023 10 16 11 50 19 812 5

Initial situation

Three existing low-pressure moulding sites.



Project perimeter

Needs expressed in the specifications

  • Following a change in production, the castingprocess had to be modified to switch to tilted casting and add an automatic core setting operation.
  • In order to respect the volumes to be produced, it will be necessary to load 3 moulds per die casting machine.
  • Production with 1, 2 or 3 moulds on the same die casting machine
  • The new parts require greater control over casting parameters, as well as a fairly long solidification time, which means that 4 stations on the carousel have to be dedicated to solidification.
  • Core setting and part unloading operations carried out on the same carousel station
  • Carousel must work with recipes system

Sofima proposal accepted by the customer

  • Removal of the existing unloading cell
  • Integration of 2 new core setting and part unloading cells
  • Core supply via a 2-position table allowing the operator to load cores in masked time
  • Hydraulic tilting die casting machines with proportional solenoid valve tilting control
  • Replacement of die casting machines control cabinets with new ones to manage changeover and monitor process parameters